Like the song? This Sting person has been crooning on my laptop on loop for some time now. His songs have some of the best lyrics I have ever heard. The words are so vague, yet the images are powerful and they speak straight to me, like a laser beam aiming at the spot right between my eyes.
The power of words and music...
Meanwhile, I have decided to stop waiting for warm weather and just to enjoy this cold while it lasts. I remember how I used to long to see snow when I lived in the land of heat and humidity; so now that it's piling up outside, I might as well laugh to myself about how you guys are steaming up on the other side of the world while I get to wear scarves and jackets. HAH!
Right now, I am still reeling from a heavy dose of nostalgia that I took this afternoon. Snugly tucked away in my parents' basement are boxes containing letters, photos, organisers, flyers, posters and all sorts of thingamajiggies from my early teens. Looking through the trail of drawings, scribblings and writings, I can't help but wish I could go back and relive those days.
I want to say now that those days were so carefree. But in reality, they weren't anymore carefree than life now. No matter what my circumstances were, I always had an issue. Whether it was with money, people, life, or school; I had never quite stopped complaining even until today.
Putting things in perspective, I'm sure my "stressful" life now shall one day be looked upon as "carefree". Therefore, I am determined to enjoy things while they last. And I don't necessarily mean enjoyment in a hedonistic sense, but rather in every fibre of my being. I have long come to terms with the fact that life will always be a balancing act between pain and pleasure. But as the famous quote goes- "... suffering is optional".
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