I finally have some time to blog! And fortunately, Blogger isn't spazzing today so I can upload pictures...
Today was a really busy day. The baby was a handful since 0800 this morning and the fact that half the house was in disarray didn't help either. I had six loads of laundry to fold, three floors to wipe down and rearrange and very very demanding children to keep in line.
I don't know how my mother does it...... she must be superwoman.
Which makes me wonder: if my mother can have a full-time job, raise two little boys, make home-cooked meals everyday and keep the house in sparkling order, why can't this family, with a part-time babysitter, a professional house-cleaning service and me, even keep the house in check for the TWO DAYS that I was home?
I guess I really do have a superwoman for a mother...
No that's not my mom.
We had a visitor over the weekend!
We went to the Philadelphia Outlet Malls, which I had never been to before. My mom was very excited since she discovered this place recently. I don't know what the whole fuss about outlet malls is because even though everything is always on sale, it's mostly leftover seasonal clothing from obscure brands anyway like "Bass" or "OshKosh" (OshKosh is SO 90's!). And besides, what kind of fun is a brokeass like me supposed to have at an outlet mall?
And that concluded my short breathless weekend.
My job in NYC on Saturday was very muddled. I had gotten sick and was feeling weak by the time I got to the event so I made a lot of stupid mistakes while working. Got yelled at by a lot of people including the Big Boss. But I got to talk to Nina Garcia! Well, she asked me where the bathroom was and other random stuff...
If you watch "Project Runway" like I used to... Yeah well, it was just awesome.
That was the editor-in-chief of Marie Claire's wedding and she invited all sorts of fashion people and models whose faces I recognised but didn't know their names. Which was irrelevant anyway because they came in skimpy clothing and nobody was looking at their faces.
I had to leave 4 hours early because I was feeling like a hungover sea monkey and had to drive 2 hours home in the dark rainy night. But a packet of M&Ms, V on the phone and 4 slices of wedding cake saw that I got home safely.
I don't know what to do with my life.
I don't know what life wants to do with me.
Ok.....! God.
I don't know what GOD wants to do with me.
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