Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Burning Midnight Oil & Painting Nails

Last night was a really unpleasant night. Or should I say this morning?

I started my seven page paper around 23:00 on Tuesday night and finally finished it at 05:30 Wednesday morning. Sleep lasted until around 08:30 and I still ended up being 10 minutes late for my first class at 09:00.

This day definitely did not begin on a right note.

In the afternoon, I lost my appetite and couldn't really concentrate on anything. My head felt as if it were full of mucus sloshing around. Oh wait, my head IS filled with mucus sloshing around. Yeah but today the sloshing felt much more intense.

So... what have I learnt from this disastrous experience?

For one, I've temporarily lost the desire to procrastinate. Although I was really tired just now, I still managed to get a lot of work and reading done. Sure, I went on Facebook every now and then but after a few minutes I'd get really sick of it and want to do my homework again.

While this productive spell lasts, I hope to get as much work done as possible.

I still haven't started researching properly for my thesis (which is due March 2011) and already feel like time is running out. For one, everyone else doing an honours' thesis is either halfway done or finished with their work. Knowing that makes me so nervous and stressed you have no idea... But I simply don't have the time to do everything right now.

As I'm typing I'm waiting for my toenails to dry. They've been looking quite chewed up for the past few months now, what with all the running and wearing open-toed sandals. I won't even put up pictures because you might puke and I don't want you to ruin your clothes.

But they look right polished and peachy now that I've cleaned and pedicured them. The only reason why I'm doing this is because I started noticing an increase of people staring disgustedly at my toes. Not that I care what they think about my toes, but I treat it almost as public service on my part. Just as I appreciate when people slop on deodorant, I will do my part and paint over my purple jagged toenails.

Anyway life is pretty routine at the moment.

Bible study every Monday, swimming class on Wednesday, C.L.I.M.B. on Thursdays and church on Sundays.

Speaking of swimming class- as you know my goal was just to master the freestyle during these two months. However I did not expect to learn it so quickly. As a result of the unprecedented progress, my instructor has decided to teach me other stuff like backstroke (learnt this today) and flipping against the wall. I'm so excited! I never thought I'd be able to do more than freestyle...

So yeah anyway just a little wordy recap of these few days.

La di da that's all folks, more next time.


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