Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Studying Was A Disaster

Well, today was no better than yesterday. I couldn't write anything. All I did was procrastinate from dawn till dusk. And of course it didn't help that I couldn't get up till 11:00 this morning. I think it's because my sleeping, eating and everything else schedule feels completely messed up... Ai.. Who knows.. That's probably just an excuse.

See it's not that I don't like to write, nor do I hate the topic that I'm writing about. But for some reason, it just seems near impossible to do it!

My friend said that I'll definitely be able to finish it on time, but I'll just really suffer during the last week or so. I hope she's not right about the second part. I want to do it now so that I don't have to cram during the last few days! I have other homework due around the same time as well.

My roommate is leaving for Puerto Rico during spring break and her room looks ridiculous from the packing- kind of like what my brain feels like at the moment.


I'm going to try my best to stay off Facebook for the next two weeks...

1 comment:

borderline said...

9 Доколе ты, ленивец, будешь спать? когда ты встанешь от сна твоего?
10 Немного поспишь, немного подремлешь, немного, сложив руки, полежишь:
11 и придет, как прохожий, бедность твоя, и нужда твоя, как разбойник.

10 Все, что может рука твоя делать, по силам делай; потому что в могиле, куда ты пойдешь, нет ни работы, ни размышления, ни знания, ни мудрости.