Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Faithfulness & Sunshine

Ever since I've been back in this equatorial island, life's been going at about 50mph as compared to the 5mph before in Pennsylvania. At least it's not 80mph (yet...), however I'm already finding it hard to dedicate time to God. It's always a big struggle for me to regularly spend time reading the Bible. I am usually not inclined to doing other beneficial activities such as exercising, eating right and sleeping at appropriate times- so spending time with God is definitely a toughie. 

And as I spend less time communicating with and hearing from God, I can feel my heart begin to get drawn to other things...... 

And then, something amazing happens. 

When I least expect it, God speaks so clearly to me through people, a song, a Facebook status, that it jolts my spirit into longing for His presence again. All of a sudden, my strange and disturbing desire to listen to Love You Like A Love Song by Selena Gomez repeat-peat-peat-peat-peatedly disappears and all I want is to sing praise to the God who set me free! 

2 Timothy 2:13 says "If we are faithless, He will remain faithful, for He cannot disown Himself."

Even when my heart began to wander, God was patient enough to woo me back to Him. He forgave my imperfections, looked past my impatience and understood my weakness. The human mind is truly bound to madness. How could I ever desire anything apart from His sweet presence? The joy that fills and satisfies every longing in my heart, the peace that covers and surrounds me like a breeze or a blanket... Just that unspeakable loveliness that is Jesus Christ! To ever want anything else is simply madness. 

Two nights ago I awoke in the midst of a terrible nightmare. Yet even as my spirit cried out to Jesus, He reached down and covered me with His hand. I felt so safe... like a baby sheltered in her Heavenly Father's strong arms. It was then I felt kind of guilty too, because I haven't been spending too much time with Him. I felt like I only reached out to God when I needed His help, and I was so touched that He would still listen to and help me in my time of need. 

I know that God's faithfulness does not increase directly as a result of my faithfulness to Him. I am infinitely lesser in every way than the Almighty God is. How could I ever earn His love? All I can do is to draw as near to Him as I can possibly can so as to bask in the glow of His presence. 

The sun will always be in the sky whether or not I go outside or stay indoors. But I want to go out in its warm rays every chance I can get. Sometimes I get lazy and just want to sit indoors. Too little sun though and the lack of Vitamin D could get me a bit cranky. That's okay. The sun is still there. I just need to get up from my couch and out into the sunshine again...


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