Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mid February Life

Some of you whom I've been vigorously talking to, know that my new favourite meaningless word is


What does it mean? I really have no clue.

I use it now instead of saying "so..." or "but"... or "eh". For example, you'd say "I went out yesterday and bla bla bla bla bla".
After you finish your story, I'd say "meh" and probably "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself".
Providing you did enjoy yourself.

The sunshine is getting stronger day by day and lasting longer and longer. It makes my heart pound with excitement. You have no idea how anxiously I'm waiting to get back on the beach and be dark again!

Yes. I may still be darker than most, but my delicious tan of 16 years is sadly fading out winter after winter. I don't care what Singaporeans like. I still prefer being tan. Makes me feel more like myself since I've been tan my whole life.

I can't wait to wear other things again. Due to the extreme cold temperatures, I've been wearing the same clothes over and over. I only have so many clothes for cold weather you see. I've already stopped wearing my boots daily. I've now reverted back to flipflops.

Oh how I missed those things!

And I just got my dad's guitar restringed. I'm currently learning to play "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas. Can't wait to take the wooden thing to the park or beach and just sit there strumming to myself.

It looks more normal than if I brought my violin to the park you know?

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