Friday, February 27, 2009

Pride Comes Before A Fall

Hair-flipping and frowning in the mirror is such a therapeutic thing. Actually, I was going to smile, but I got an itch on my neck right when I pressed the button. Afterwards, I realised that I didn't feel like camwhoring anymore.
What an interesting day.

This afternoon, I happened to pass through a section of Jersey City that I'd never been to before. It was surprisingly beautiful! I mean, I always imagined this place to be just a broken city of ghettoness. Yet today something really struck me about how the sun reflected off all the old architecture and broken roads. During the drive, I kept hearing this song in my head even though Tiesto was playing.

Oh really, the town was lovely! Not to mention, the cemetery on Garfield seemed far from scary. Looking at the tombstones, I couldn't help but wonder who all these people were. The cemetery looked way overcrowded. There weren't any flowers on any of the stones; and although some of those figures were impressive in size, I couldn't help but think... What's the point in having a giant tombstone? Instead of taking up more space after my death, I'd rather that people remember me because of something significant that I contributed to their lives, rather than force my memory on them in shape of a large cold marble slab. Actually, I'd rather have no tombstone at all- and I don't really think I'd care about what they did with my body.

Depressing talk!

Today is actually a great day to count my blessings. All I really needed to do was to get started. Once I did, I couldn't stop. Also, I felt a whole lot better after repeating them all to myself. And it's true. I don't think I'll ever regret things that I've done in life. Rather, the only things I'll ever be regretting are missed opportunities.

Beautiful happy days make me miss family and friends more than sad rainy days actually.

My list of books to read is getting longer by the day... But I've been doing more catching up on my "movies to watch" list today. I watched "Diary Of A Tired Black Man" today and thought that although the videography or acting wasn't impressive, the points that were brought up were extremely relevant not just to the black community, but every single person that has ever been or are considering being in a relationship.

Although the movie concentrates on the relationship between a man and a woman, I felt that the issues concerning respect can and should really transcend the confines of man and wife relationships and be applied to every relationship you have in your life.

Whether it be mother and daughter, brother and sister, best friend and best friend relationships, it is so important to always treat the opposite party as you would treat yourself. Many people twist this and say that you must "love yourself first before you can love other people"; but I don't think that is necessarily true. Treating others as you would treat yourself does not mean you have to treat yourself well first; and I'm not saying you shouldn't treat yourself well either... Rather, I feel that instead of taking care of yourself first, the phrase "do unto others as you would do unto you" implies putting other people's needs before you. I think too often these days, it is precisely because of the fact that we put ourselves before others that we let our pride get in the way of things and we end up hurting others in order to satisfy that pride.

That's all.

I'm passing out now.

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