Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday & Terrific Thursday


I haven't blogged since Monday because there simply wasn't enough time to do so. However, to be sure, not all of that time was spent studying.

Yesterday morning I went through all my classes in a daze.

My law presentation went extremely well. No doubt, because I spent half of the time preparing for it in prayer. Even at the end of the presentation when the class was given the opportunity to question my opponent and me, the answers came with ease.

After that first hurdle was over, I rushed first to track practice, then off to New York City for work.

As always, I got slightly lost on the way there and arrived about ten minutes late.

We were supposed to go there yesterday for a prior fitting for an event.

Everyone had to try on the black dress, shoes and stockings. There were two seamstresses on hand to do alterations on the spot.

Photos were taken for the very detail-oriented event planners.

Once the fitting was over, I enjoyed a lovely stroll back to the subway since the weather was quite warm although slightly windy.

Back across the river in Jersey City, the sunset made the sky look like a page from a calendar.

After dinner, I went to the building meeting for our dorm where we played the Newlywed Game.

In our version, we were paired up with our roommates and had to answer questions about each other to see how much we knew about each other. The winning couple would then each get a $25 Visa giftcard.

Unfortunately for me, my partner (who wasn't even my roommate, it was my track teammate who lived in the same building but in a different room) and I came in second place... which wasn't good enough to get any prizes.

I was kind of sad!

One of the questions he had to answer was "which country would your roommate love to go for a visit right now?" I thought he knew the answer... I mean, it's pretty obvious right? So I yelled out my answer "RUSSIA!"

Turns out that he answered "Singpore". And that's "Singpore" without an "A".

So sad right?!

Because it's true! I do want to fly to Singapore for a visit too!

Anyways, even though yesterday looked as if it would've been an extremely stressful day, it actually turned out to be smooth and relaxing, I think because I prayed specifically about it on Tuesday night. And everything that could possibly go right, went right. The weather, the people, the little conveniences... Everything...

Even after going on an impulsive rollerblading stint with my friend after the building meeting, I still managed to finish my school work for today! Which is not exactly a good thing that I procrastinated, but I really enjoyed Wednesday nonetheless.

Then this morning when I woke up and went outside, the pleasant spring weather just blew me away! Keep in mind that we've been having subzero temperatures for over a month now and lots of winter storms and gray skies for weeks in a row. For the temperatures to suddenly jump to 10 Celsius feels so wonderful that it kept a smile on my face all day.

All this despite the fact that the sand is still falling through the hourglass and my thesis isn't getting done.

I'm not stressed nor worried though. Maybe I should be, but for today, I am just happy to be in college and alive.

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