Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fasting For Change

Last night as I sat in bed reading God's Word, I felt a tugging in my heart telling me to just focus on Him for a while. So for this month or so, I intend to give up watching any sort of Youtube videos, movies or TV shows. They always tend to keep me up late anyway and distract me from what I really should be doing- poring over God's Word and talking to Him. As for other things that seem to entice my heart toward the world and away from Christ (such as shopping, secular music, etc.), I intend to take a break from them as well.

After all these months of not doing much and enjoying life without any sort of structure or schedule, I think it's time to leave Lala Land and get into a new gear of discipline and hard work.

I know this won't be easy but something's gotta get done, and it's gotta get done now. I'm not going to sit around and wait for God to show me a burning bush anymore. I'm going to actively pursue Him, cry out to Him- and then listen to and obey Him.

I KNOW that I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me! (Philippians 4:13)

At the beginning of this year I prayed that God would change me so much that by 2012 I'd be unrecognisable again. I know that change won't come if I just sit here waiting for a sign. If I want a more disciplined life, the time is now. If I want to become a strong woman rooted in Christ, the time is now.

Today in church, Pastor Mark gave a basic sermon on salvation. And even though I know I've already accepted Christ, been baptised and whatnot, it felt like a rededication moment. I am remembering the wedding vows I made to Christ the night I decided I would be His. Whether in sickness or in health, whether I feel like it or not- I will always follow Him.

Right now, I don't feel like it. But I know, now, more than ever, I have to press into Jesus. I have to seek Him with all my heart, mind, soul and body. I have to endure hardship, sacrifice and die to myself. But the life in Christ that I have to gain is so much bigger than what I have to lose. In fact, what do I have to lose? Everything that is dragging me down- that's what!

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