Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Nothing But Dust

Who am I? 

Who do I think I am, that God could bear to live in my heart? 

That this perfect, Almighty, unblemished God who is HOLY could live in this dark dirty temple of my heart? 

Who am I that God could ever think to forgive me? 

I have and am nothing. 

I read His Word and feel so unworthy. I feel as if I couldn't read anymore. I do not deserve the honour of hearing His Words or seeing His face. 

And yet, my heart longs for His presence. 

Dear God, You are HOLY. You sit upon the highest of highs. You judge the hearts of men and nations of the earth. Nothing is hidden from You. Everything is laid bare- including my heart. When You look at me, Your eyes pierce into the very inner parts of my soul. Your light casts my being in shadow and I cannot bear to lift my face. God, why would You ever choose me in all my sinfulness, inadequacies and disgusting habits? All my righteous acts and thoughts are too disgusting to mention. Why would You even bother? Why am I still alive and not thrown into the pits of hell- condemned to what I deserve? Oh God, I appeal to You in Your great love and mercy. Do not look upon me but upon the blood of Jesus Christ. Cover over my shame with the grace You have shown on the cross. Lift me up in my despair and reassure my spirit with Your voice. I long for Your presence with all my heart... Man does not live on bread alone but on every Word that comes from the mouth of God. I am so sorry Lord Jesus, for all the times I have ever grieved Your Holy Spirit. Do not leave me in my sorrow but deliver me... In Jesus' Name, I pray, Amen.

Who am I? 

I am nothing but dust. 

And I submit myself to the will of the compassionate Potter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are His daughter!!!!