Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Shrinking Brain

i just got home from a long day at school and track.

Nothing's new really. Just the usual little ol' tired me here on the couch typing away.

I found the thermostat in the apartment and turned it completely off so... hello multiple layers and big comfy blanket! Next month's bill better shrink by at least 50%!

It's nice to be this tired again. I know I'm going to sleep well tonight. I just found three leftover bagels in the freezer from my ex-roommate so I ate all of them. Pretty good stuff.

I've been thinking a lot today about yesterday. Things that were said and done, come and gone. Where am I going, what am I doing? Hopefully at church later tonight I'll find an answer.

I miss wearing dresses and skirts. Come back soon summer, I miss you!


I checked the weather for the next ten days and we're staying below freezing for a LONG time. Let me just go soak myself in my pool of unhappiness now.

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