Friday, July 08, 2011

Feelin' The Power

Tonight, instead of going to C.L.I.M.B. as I usually do on Thursday nights, I went to Joe's friend's house for a tea gathering since Pastor Jay was out of town and all of us C.L.I.M.B.ers had agreed that we should be there in Schwenksville instead, drinking tea with folks who may not necessarily believe in Jesus Christ.

When I got there, I felt immediately in my spirit that it was a place not very welcome to the gospel of Jesus Christ, but also not entirely closed to it. I could sense a sort of despair and "lost-ness" in the air that I used to be familiar with... maybe almost depression, in the faces of some. But I was glad to see my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ show up together in one accord.

Around 21:30, right when I was about to leave, I went outside to the backyard only to find out that a girl had been taken by a seizure and that this was the first time she had had it at this regular tea-drinking meeting. Immediately, God put it upon my heart that this was no regular seizure, but a spiritual attack on the people that were there and a sort of intimidation tactic thrown at us Christians who were there in especial numeric force.

It was a beautiful sight to see- Becky, who just so happens to be a nurse, was on the scene to administer to that girl. All of us C.L.I.M.B.ers felt that we had to pray together and so we gathered out to pray in that backyard after the girl had been carried away by medical professionals.

We prayed for so many things and my spirit soared as the Holy Spirit intervened and prayed on behalf of us all, but all around I felt a hostile spirit of anger continue to lash out at us through spiteful neighbours' comments (they watched us from their adjacent backyards), other non-believing tea-drinkers and random looker-ons. But I knew that they could not do anything but to taunt us because He who is in us, is greater than he who is in this world. I knew that the Lord had us under His wings and that nothing could harm us.

It's been a night of intense spiritual warfare and I think this is the first time that I've fought the battle in prayer with the C.L.I.M.B.ers in such a united way. I am so encouraged and strengthened by the fact that God is willing to work through me despite all my doubts and fears. I know that He is with me at all times through all situations.

No doubt, there were many things that were tempting me from going to this event tonight- and now I see why. The devil didn't want us getting together in the name of Jesus Christ! Because when two or three come together in His name, He is with us. The Lord Jesus Christ is with us!


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