Wednesday, July 04, 2012

A Little Answered Prayer


That picture was taken last year at the Fourth of July fireworks in Conshohoken, PA. 

Sadly, there will be no fireworks, hotdogs, BBQs or picnics for me this year. In this warm tropical country, nobody will be wearing red, white and blue all at the same time unless by accident.

Actually I was planning to wear red, white and blue today (the Phillies jersey is perfect for that) but my mind was totally stuck on something else this morning. 

Yesterday, I blogged about how annoying it can be to be awoken by my brothers and mother making noise outside my bedroom in the morning. 

Well, last night, after coming home from praying with Annie and Alu at HOB, I felt even more compelled to pray for many little things. And so before I went to bed, I prayed that God would somehow solve this "noise" situation for me.

Lo and behold.

This morning, I only heard them making noise minimally once. After that, I was able to sleep through until my alarm finally rang.


Thank you God for answering all my prayers, big or small. Whether or not these things are really important to you, I am so grateful that You would take time to even listen. Thank you for letting me start today on such a good note. :)

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