Remember that feeling of having just cleaned up your room? The floors are sparkling, books and things are put away, the dirty clothes are in the laundry where they belong and the windows are open to a gentle fresh breeze.
However a week goes by, and a little pile of dirty clothes starts to grow in the corner like an infestation. Another week, and the floors start to feel mucky, but you don't notice it immediately. In a month, a funny stained odor hangs about the bed but you are the only one who can't smell it.
In a way, I feel like my walk with God has come to this point.
I've let other things distract me and cloud my vision. Fear and anxiety have crept into my thoughts and estranged me from the truth. I live with less and less conviction each passing day.
But last night, He spoke to me.
I did not realise I needed a major clean up until God pointed out how disgusting my room had become. I've ignored the stains for far too long and I know I cannot continuing living this way before I fall sick. To top it off, I've been shoving all these things under the carpet instead of fervently praying to God to help me. Though it's quite obvious that I cannot help myself...
All these walls that I've built, it's time to tear them down.
"I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron" (Isaiah 45:2)
Dear Lord Jesus, I am so weak, there isn't a single thing I can do without you sustaining me. I pray that you will remove my false pride and strength, scrubbing clean the floors and walls of my heart. I ask that you would teach me genuine humility so that I will submit to your every Word. I praise Your name because You are the sustainer and giver of Life. Amen.
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