Thursday, January 20, 2011

Update On School & Roommate Situation

Yesterday went pretty well for a first day at school. The Contemporary Legal Issues class wasn't bad at all actually. The professor even said that if there were certain things we didn't want to talk about due to religious reasons, that it would be alright. Looking ahead on the syllabus, I think this may end up being my favourite class! A fluent professor makes all the difference sometimes.

The other classes, Western Tradition (history), Romance Literature and German all look set to be classes that I will enjoy thoroughly. Though I'm a little behind on my German, okay, a lot behind... There's always Suni on the track team to help me out. :)

Even the roommate issue seems resolved. Praise God!

Last night we all had an open talk session with the RA (Residents' Assistant) mediating our meeting. Unfortunately, at one point, I let my mouth carry it too far again and I said something that was utterly inappropriate and hurtful. I immediately apologised for it but I'm still very upset at myself for saying such a thing... And in front of people who know I'm Christian!

I can't believe it sometimes... How mean I can get when I don't even want to be mean. It's disgusting.

But despite that glitch, everything else seemed to be better after we talked. The atmosphere in the apartment seems somewhat toned down now and we can all be civil to each other now.

I really pray that this weekend in Vermont will be a God-filled adventure. I don't want to do or say anything that is unbecoming. Rather, I want to demonstrate His love and work in my life through my words and actions.

Father in heaven, will You just be with me this weekend? Help me to walk in Your way at all times. May I always have on the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of Your salvation, the shield of faith and take up the sword of the Spirit. May I find favour with You and with others. Your love is a banner over me!

I won't be bringing my laptop to Vermont with me so the next time I'll be blogging again is likely Saturday or even next Monday.

Till then, tata!

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