Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Beautiful Dream

Last night, after reading Eileen's post about her dream, it made me rather distressed before going to sleep. So of course I prayed that God would protect me in my sleep. I ended up having a really beautiful dream about traveling on foot to some place that I'd dreamt about before- a gorgeous mountainous area with clear rivers and great open caves.

The only thing was that in this dream, I was worrying about what to pack for this day-long journey on foot. I was worrying about how to get to my resting site before it got too dark. I was worrying about getting enough food and supplies to last me throughout my stay (I was planning to camp out there)... I worried so much that I eventually got side-tracked in a city on the way...... Then I woke up.

Hmm. What a subtle parallel to real life!

Sometimes I wonder how such amazing landscapes that I've never seen with my own eyes before manage to surface in my dreams. After I wake up, I often find myself wishing that such a beautiful place did exist so that I could visit it someday...

Well I guess even if I'll never get to see those dreamscapes in real life, I still look forward to the new heaven and new earth that God has promised us- the one that we cannot even begin to fathom! It must be awesome beyond comprehension...

Dear God, show me Your ways which are higher than mine! Even one grain of Your wisdom is too wonderful for me to bear. Even a whisper from You sends my heart fluttering. One touch from You sends my spirit soaring. I thank You for Your unconditional love at all times of the day and through the watches of the night. Continue to speak to me as You have been God and help me to listen for You... In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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