Wednesday, November 21, 2012

This Is My Father's World

As it turns out, my boss and I have mutually agreed that this Friday, tomorrow in fact, would be the best time for me to end my employment here. He was afraid that I might be too bored in the office next week if I were to leave next Friday instead. 

So, that's it! 

A year of working in this interesting little startup called Feecha. It was a really fun time and I learned some valuable lessons. I think I could even write a book on it if I wanted to. My book would be titled "First Year Out Of College- Lessons Learnt On The First Job". It'll probably be in the self-help section and the chapters would be:

1) First impression counts
2) Always respect your superiors
3) Listen more, talk less
4) Always double and triple check information
5) God is in the details
6) Enjoying work to the fullest
7) Attitude is everything


I'm pretty excited to be starting work in a new place soon and to meet new people! I think that's one of my favourite things about changing jobs, locations, schools, etc... it's that, you get to meet all sorts of new and interesting characters. Although it's hard to be really close friends with all the wonderful people that you meet in life, life is still enriched with just being able to share in their experiences and hearing diverse perspectives on things. 

One thing that is going to be really really interesting about this new place I'm working at is that, they already know who I am. I'll be going in with a label on me already, that I am my father's daughter. I'd expect that people will see me in a different light when I start working there. In fact I already felt it when I walked into the office before. 

People will be expecting me to be smart, productive, precise, considerate, etc. 

I'm starting to feel a bit of pressure build up. 

For the first time in my life, I finally realised- this is what it feels like to be known as your father's daughter! 

As Christians, we don't always think about the fact that we are our Heavenly Father's daughters and sons in such a tangible way. Yes, being a son or daughter of God brings benefits of being known in His Kingdom, but it also brings the responsibility of upholding His good name. 

I don't want to dishonour my earthly father in front of his colleagues, neither do I want to dishonour my Heavenly Father in front of people who know me as a Christian. This is such a huge responsibility, why did I never see the gravity of it before?

I believe this is another lesson that God is teaching me as the days roll by. As a daughter of a king, I should always remember that people will judge my behaviour accordingly. I can no longer live with my own standards, but I must live as the daughter of the King of Kings. 

What a great reminder on a Thursday morning!

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