Sunday, May 01, 2011


I went to Princeton University today to meet Shafiq and to check out what the Princeton fest was all about.

He showed me around the beautiful school grounds and shared many interesting stories about campus life.

I recognised this building from the movie A Beautiful Mind where John Nash starts freaking out! Thought it was pretty cool... All the buildings at Princeton are really beautiful to begin with.

And of course it helped that every other tree was covered in spring blossoms!

Went to Cheesecake Factory later with Maggie where she treated me to a lip-smacking dinner of Jamaican black pepper shrimp.

Thank you so much Maggie!!!

On the long drive back home, I started thinking about this whole day and generally noticed a theme...

With Shafiq, we talked a lot about the importance and value of going to an internationally-recognised school. Since I do not attend one, I seem to be having a harder time getting employers to even consider me for an interview.

With Maggie, our conversation centered a lot of what I was going to do after graduation; whether pursuing further studies would be a good idea. I mentioned that I was thinking about a PhD in English Literature or law school.

So... After today, I suddenly feel more inclined to further my studies post-graduation.

But at the same time, I don't want my parents to have to work so hard. I want to contribute too! Which means I should start working...



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