Monday, December 16, 2013

黑店 (Black Shop) In Funan

So recently, I started playing Starcraft. Thanks to J of course. 

Initially, I was a bit reluctant to try because I know I have a tendency to get addicted to computer games. 

Well, eventually I gave in. 

Gotta say, it's a HEAP OF FUN!!! 

Soon after getting hooked to SC2, I decided to get a mouse. 

This one. 

J and I headed to Funan Digitalife Mall where he got his DeathAdder 2013 the week before. He got it at the full price of $99 at Game Marts, while i decided to get mine at Challenger for $96+ (thanks to the membership discount).

And of course, if I got a mouse, I would have to get a good mousepad too right? 

Challenger's price for this mousepad was $16+ with a 10% membership discount available. However, they were sold out of the No. 9 Armaggedon mousepads, so we went walking around Funan looking for other shops that had it. 

Many shops that we went to did not have No. 9 in stock. Still, we asked for average prices and they all hovered around $16+. 

Finally, we found ONE No. 9 mousepad in this shop called Dell by Addon

I was so happy, I picked up the box immediately and looked for the cashier. There was only one guy working at the tech desk, so I asked him to check the price for the mousepad. He signalled for me to wait then walked over to a man near the entrance of the shop who appeared to be the boss. 

Guess what was the price he quoted me? 



I saw the look on the boss' face and realised he was assessing our profiles to see whether we could be "knocked" for more money. 

Being a good-natured friendly dude (I was not so patient- I already demanded to leave), J asked the tech guy if he could check once more if the price was correct. Perhaps he had heard wrongly. 

Tech guy goes off to check the price. Comes back with the same exact quote for $79.90. 

Furious at the shop's blatant cheating methods, I retorted to the tech guy: "DO YOU KNOW EVERY SHOP IN FUNAN IS SELLING THIS MOUSEPAD FOR $16???"

Guess what was the cute little excuse he gave me? 

"I'm sorry but when we ordered the mousepad, it was a long time ago and we ordered it at the price of $79.90"

Uh yeah okay. A quick price check online will show what the average price of the Aegis Falcon mousepad really is. $16+ NOT $79.90.

Gosh if they're able to quote such prices for a mousepad, I shudder to think what they're quoting for the other more expensive products in the store. 

Moral of the story: CAVEAT EMPTOR. 


Monday, December 09, 2013

The U.S. vs Singapore

I've been feeling uncertain about the future recently. People keep asking if I'm going to stay in Singapore for good. I tell them "yes", and they always give me a look of surprise. 

They ask: "But why? Isn't the U.S, better?"

I would tell them "not really", then proceed to explain why. 
Usually, these are the reasons I give:

1) It's not really better per se, it's just different. 
2) Most of my family's in Singapore, but I have friends in the U.S. who I miss too
3) It's expensive in Singapore but generally more convenient (public transport wise)
4) Many things are cheaper in the U.S. but it can get boring
5) Singapore's also boring
6) The economic centre of the world has shifted to Asia
7) U.S. is better for simple living

You know the thing is, I could come up with a thousand reasons why Singapore is better than the U.S. and vice versa. That's why you just can't compare them head on like that. 

It's just that, after so much questioning regarding my decision to move back to Singapore, I'm starting to wonder if I made the right move after all? 

After all, there are PLENTY of Singaporeans who are just dying to get out of this country. 

I love my work here in Singapore though- I really do. I know that if I move back to the U.S., I would have to give that up. I'd miss the two years I spent skating all over this urban city. I'd miss the food and the friends I've made and gotten closer to as well. There'd be no more Chinese New Year visits or family potlucks. 

Still, being in the U.S. seems like a great idea too.

Talk about starting a family... And all that good stuff!

But the more I think about the future, the more I get worried and anxious. How can I know that I'll be making the right decisions? How can I maximise all the opportunities I have to create something long and lasting?

The truly worrying part is- I can't. I simply don't know and I cannot know. 

All I can be certain of in this life is my God in whom I trust. He is the only one who never changes. People come and go, nations rise and fall, but the Lord my Rock remains the same. His love and mercy is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Praise God for His unending love! Because of Him, I can live without fear of tomorrow!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Woodward Beijing

Oh gosh my poor dear forgotten blog! 

Sorry... I knew this was bound to happen... What with new developments in my love life and all. 

Anyway, even though I'm writing this post in December, I shall backdate it to October since that's when the events in this post actually happened. 

Earlier this year, a few friends and I had planned to go to Beijing to the biggest indoor skatepark in Asia, built by Woodward. We waited months before we got a really good price for the air tickets- around 300sgd. 

Months turned into weeks, weeks turned into days. Before we knew it, we had landed in Beijing!

The last time I went to Beijing was in 2012. I got lucky that time- the air wasn't so dirty then.

The skatepark is located about an hour outside of the city, in the middle of some godforsaken town (大兴 Daxing) that is famous for its watermelons. 

There is nothing there except fields and fields of watermelons. 

Nonetheless, we weren't there for the watermelons so it didn't matter.

Most of the skatepark, like its namesake suggests, is made of wood. 

The whole hangar smells like a lovely mix between sawdust and sweat. 

Here's a little clip of what we did once we got there.

The hotel we stayed in is conveniently located fifty metres from the skatepark. 

Unfortunately, during our stay there, the only restaurant in the hotel was unable to serve us regular meals at a reasonable price. They always ran out of food by lunchtime since the hotel was filled with guests that weekend. 

Thank God for Chacha- who I met last year in Beijing. She took us out in cars to eat at restaurants as well as to get some groceries. Without her, we would have been doomed to eat the same flavour of instant noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner each day.

Here's us at a Peking duck restaurant, being REALLY excited about the food that's arriving!

All skaters :)

On J's birthday, we managed to hitch a ride with a nice guy who lived in the city. He dropped us off at the nearest train station and we took the subway from there.

We went to Nanluoguxiang that night to take a walk on the street.

As usual, the place was brightly lit and crowded with people.

We got cosy in a little restaurant. Had the most delicious dinner ever.

Ended the night with a trolley ride all over the Beihai area.

There was like one clear and sunny day out of all the days we were there. Better than zero right?

J kept trying to land his birthday trick- 540 off the vert. 

I really had a great time skating and just laying around. Didn't take much photos during this trip actually. I think my photos totalled less than 300, which is amazing. 

It was so fun, I want to go back ASAP!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Praises This Week

God has been and is being so SO good to me!

I was on the verge of falling again, but He reached for me and pulled me out of deep waters. Immediately after which, I saw that there was work He needed to get done. If not for God putting His confidence in me, I would NOT have been able to do His work and my labor would have been in vain!

This week has been filled with miracles and God's divine hand in every single activity in my life. 

First of all, on Tuesday, this little kid randomly spam-messaged me on Facebook. I was so tempted to write him off as an irritating brat, but I felt God gently reminding me to love others. On top of that, I was prompted to ask ZJ (this little kid) whether he'd heard of Jesus before. One thing led to another, and that very same night, I had a short bible study with him and prayed with him to accept Jesus as his lord and saviour. I wasn't sure if his decision was genuine, but the very next day, ZJ messaged me to ask if we could have another bible study! He continued to read the book of Job on his own and I was really amazed to see God working in his heart despite my doubts. 

Another skater friend of mine has been going through difficult times. I've been praying for him and asking God to change his heart. 

While I am doubtful at times, God is faithful to answer my prayers. He has shown me that with even just a little mustard seed of faith, God can do wonders. Nothing is impossible for Him! Hallelujah!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Locked By Fear

Last Friday, I finally went for an urban again, after a three-month long hiatus. 

It was pretty fun. We skated from Bishan to Khatib along Lentor Avenue. 

Jerry surprised me by showing up halfway on his motorbike just to say hi. That was really sweet of him!

Saturday afternoon, we attended Bozhi and Theng Hoon's wedding held at the Church of God along Bedok Road. 

I was so touched by the look on Bozhi's face as he watched his bride walk in through the doors. Even though this is their third ceremony (they already had one in China and one in Malaysia), he still had that look of utter... Hmmm.... how should I describe the look on his face?

I guess this verse in Psalm 45:11 comes to mind: "The king is enthralled with your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord"

Then after the wedding ceremony was over, we dropped by East Coast Park for an impromptu walk by the beach. Just couldn't resist the beautiful sunny sky!

Here's a photo of us at the place where we first met and have spent so much time skating alongside each other.

I guess, even as time goes by, I am still feeling locked by fear. Fear of the future in so many ways. This fear is crippling me from working hard and from being the woman of faith I know God wants me to be. I spent all day in bed yesterday just thinking about all the possible ways I could fail in this upcoming week and it made me not even want to move.

Dear God, I know all these feelings of defeat are just lies. Please help me and save me from these lies. Help me to walk forward in faith and not in fear. I need your help, you are the only one who can keep me from harm! In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Monday, September 02, 2013

Everything Has Changed

It has been three months. 

So much has changed since I first met you. 

It is both scary and exciting at the same time, but I will continue to walk and pray in faith :) 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Christian Song List

There have been moments in my life where I was just so overcome with emotion (love, joy, peace, etc.) that it could only take a song to pour them out. It is not the songs themselves that gives me these feelings, but rather, they express all the love that I feel between God and I. It is during those inexpressible moments that I find myself lost in His love.

Waiting Here For You 
Passion Band

Through It All

你爱永不变 (Your Love Never Changes)

Give Me Jesus
Jeremy Camp

Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Chisolm and Runyan

Oceans Will Part

Spirit Fall
Passion Band

Overshadow Me
Mary Alessi


Thursday, August 01, 2013


Nothing much has been going on in my life recently. Just you know, got struck by lightning (the kind that makes you think about somebody all day). Somehow, it's annoying to be back in this. I do not like feeling out of control. Still, I guess it's simply another journey that I must embark on. 

Work is slowing a bit, partly because I feel out of control and partly because I feel a bit fried on the inside.

I feel like taking my own shoulders, shaking them thoroughly and screaming in my own face "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU MINDY WAKE UP!"

Not that it would work very much. 

I just... feel like...

A melted piece of caramel popcorn on a pretty beach. 


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

And Then I Let Go

So I finally let go of the thing/person that I've been holding on to stubbornly this whole time. It hurts a whole lot, but God gave me the grace and the strength to go through with it. I can honestly say that even through the pain, it feels good to do what God wants me to do. This was the first time I have been able to be "selfless" in a "romantic" sort of relationship. 

I don't know what the future holds, but God gave me many reassurances this afternoon. 

First, a verse from Haggai 2:19: 

"...From this day on I will bless you."

This verse struck me as I was reading the Bible before going to see him. I wrote it down in my book immediately and wrote today's date down. 

Secondly, as I was sitting dejectedly at the bus stop after our talk, a truck pulled up in front of me with two big words written on the side: 


That instantly reminded me of Dorie's vision which I'd almost forgotten about two years ago.

Lastly, Annie told me of a vision (that she's not entirely sure of) that she just received. She said she saw me "together with somebody that [she knows]". If this vision becomes reality, it will also be a confirmation to her that she does indeed have the gift of seeing visions.

Why am I writing all this down?

Because I know I will forget someday. I will live life like a rollercoaster and come to a scary drop someday, not believing that God is there to break my fall. This post is my Ebenezer stone, or rather, a reminder of God's faithfulness throughout my life.

I praise God today for all He has helped me to do! I did not know that I would even have the strength to stand, but I stood. I was not tested beyond what I could bear, even though it felt like it. He is faithful to do what He says He will! Amen!


"I can do all things through Him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What Is Love

Last night J asked me if I had ever told anyone that I loved him and meant it. I said no, because even though I have said "I love you" to that person in my past, I didn't know what love was when I said it all those years ago. Talk was cheap enough for me to throw it around like dollar bills. 

I saw a look of puzzlement flicker across his face. 

"if you said you love him, even though your definition of love has changed since then, it still counts at the point when you meant it!"



Just, no. 

How do you explain what "love" is to somebody who does not know the true love of God? 

I remember what it was like before I experienced Jesus' love. I always felt like there was a hole in my heart. I was always cold, always hungry. Always needing to fill the gaps in my life with temporary joys. Partying, feeling popular, being happy, being sad, shopping, sports, a boyfriend.... You name it. But none of those things could ever fill this ever-hungry heart of mine. 

When I was in that past relationship, my view of love was a very immature and selfish one. My daily relationship "meter" went something like this:

How can this person make me happy? 
How can he fulfil my needs?
Is he good enough for me?
Does he love me as much as I (think I) love him?

Not once did I consider:

What can I do for him?
How can I fulfil his needs?
Am I striving to give him my best?
What can I give of myself for the benefit of this relationship?

It wasn't until I understood what Jesus did for me on the cross, then did I begin to even have a tiny grasp of what true love looked like. 

There I was, a sinner, deserving of death and an eternity in hell. There He was, perfect and holy, creator of heaven and earth. He had every right to ignore me and let me pass into oblivion. But because He loved me so much, He sacrificed his high position in heaven, coming down to earth to be born to a lowly carpenter. He lived a perfect and blameless life, only to bear the full punishment for my sins on the cross. 

All this, before I was even born. Before I had even made the choice to follow Him with all my heart. He gave up everything for me because He wanted just a chance to spend an eternity with me. 

He pursued me like Jacob pursued Rachel, working 14 years under her father just for her hand in marriage. "But they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her" (Genesis 29:20) 

I am overwhelmed with the thought of someone who died for me almost two thousand years ago... Just to give us a chance to be together... 

I know it all sounds great and stuff, but what does this have to do with my relationships with people?

I'll tell you what. 

The biggest lesson I learnt about love since those years ago when I was last in a romantic relationship- is that LOVE, means denying yourself, sacrificing yourself and ultimately dying, whether physically, emotionally or spiritually, for someone else. Not because that person deserves it, but because you loved him first. 

It is not about having flowers sent to your door, nor having him text you every other hour. It is not about having a million things in common, nor is it about mending his socks or cleaning the house. It is not about yourself, nor is it about being happy. 

So many people want to be in a relationship these days because they think that it will make them "happy". The real reason they feel this way is because deep inside, we all have that gap in our hearts. This gap can only really be filled with God's love, because God's love NEVER runs out. Whereas, a relationship with another imperfect human being can never meet all of our deepest emotional needs. 

I think a healthy way to look at romantic relationships is not how it can make us happy. Rather, relationships are a way for us to experience on our own human terms, what the depths of God's love is like. 

It's difficult to imagine the pain and longing Jesus must have felt on the cross when he died for a people who have yet to know and accept Him. Still, He bled for us anyway and sacrificed His body and spirit willingly. Likewise, when we are in a relationship with somebody, be it a husband, parent, sibling or friend, we will surely encounter on a daily basis, situations when we need to also sacrifice ourselves. And by sacrifice, I mean a full sacrifice. Sometimes you see wives give way to their husbands, but then they turn around and make a face to show their displeasure. I don't consider that a full sacrifice nor is it truly submitting. Self-denial for someone who doesn't deserve it is not only difficult, it is usually impossible. There is a supernatural strength that is necessary in such a task, and it is only attainable through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

And I have to remind myself that this is why, God call us not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. 

How can I even think of creating a family with someone who has no concept of sacrificial love? Where will this person be in my darkest of days? Who can my children look up to, to learn of what a father's sacrificial love is like? It will be a selfish act on my part, to put my children in such a loveless family...... 

Dear Father in heaven, I thank You for always walking beside me. I thank You for loving me everyday, even when I fail You or forget You. You have never forgotten me, nor have You ever stopped wanting the best for me. Thank You for reminding me today of Your love. I run to You and hide in the shadow of Your wings. In Jesus' name, Amen.


I finally tried dropping into the vert bowl yesterday and even though I fell midway, it was a soft fall. I feel nothing but even more encouraged to try once more!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Daily Struggle With Temptation

When Jesus was tempted for forty days in the wilderness, he said this:

"It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4)

And in the Lord's prayer, we ask God to "give us this day our daily bread".

These days, I'm feeling more and more like Elijah, who hid from Jezebel in a ravine. Because of the drought and famine, he had to be fed by ravens sent by God daily. Imagine having to wait for your food to appear out from the sky, brought to you by mere birds! Hungry, alone and cold. Elijah probably had to struggle on a day to day basis with trusting God.

This morning, Ann wrote me a message regarding my current spiritual battle. One thing she said really resounded with me. She said that "this is more a question about your trust in Him to meet your needs than just about this..."

Why is it so difficult to let go even though I know that there are a pair of Almighty arms to catch me and lift me up?

I liken it to skating at the skate park. It's like, I know that my body reflexes can handle the drop. I know that I have safety guards and everything on. There's nothing that could go wrong unless I chicken out during the drop. But still, I feel my heart pounding hard with fear each time I approach the edge of the 15 feet high bowl.

Dear Lord Jesus, I know that Your plans for me are to prosper me and not to harm me. Plans to give me a hope and a future. Help me to embrace Your plans wholly. Help me to trust in Your provision and grace. Give me each day my daily bread so that I won't faint. I know You will see me through this valley!

Monday, July 08, 2013

Denying Myself For Christ

I am still struggling with my feelings. I can't shake them, but God has been faithful to keep me standing. 

There were nights when I would be tempted with such thoughts: 

"the best is already come, if you miss this opportunity, you will lose everything"

"it's okay, God doesn't mind"

"it's not even that serious, don't take it so seriously"

I would lie in my bed with tears flowing down my cheeks, because I half-believed those thoughts. I pitied myself and I felt sorry for how weak I was. I felt robbed of joy and peace. Nothing seemed to go right. 

I knew that I had to give it up, but still my heart held on so tightly. 

But God reminded me of His laws; His everlasting laws that guide our paths. It was God's Word and His laws that saved me from death all those years ago, and once more, it was His laws that would point me back to true north. I could not turn my back to that. 

I started to think about the impact of my reckless thoughts and actions on others. 

I realised that even though I thought I was being considerate the whole time, I was still falling short. 

This battle is intense, but I am encouraged hourly by the Lord. He is faithful to me even as I feel faithless. 

Let this post be a reminder to me in the future.... 

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness!" (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Monday, July 01, 2013

A Month Into Aggressive Inline

Hmm it seems that I have been missing in action here for quite a while......

The reason being: I have found a new addiction!

I know what you're thinking... 

Haven't I always been addicted to rollerblading anyway?

But wait, this is different. 

This time I'm addicted to aggressive inline skating/rollerblading. 

Ever seen videos of people going up and down ramps, grinding on rails and all that fancy stuff? Yeap that's what I've been attempting to learn these days. In Ham's words, it feels a little like "relearning how to walk".

I have so much to learn, it's a bit daunting.

But then again, when I started playing DDR last year, I felt the same way too. It seemed almost impossible that I would ever be able to pass a level 14 song. Yet fast forward 5 months and I am now on to playing level 16 songs. 

I hope it will be the same with aggressive skating. 

I feel really blessed to have met other fantastic aggressive inline skaters who gave me great advice. They're able to point out things that would have taken me months to figure out. 

So yeap. 

Earlier today, or I guess, yesterday night, I was finally able to get out of the combo bowl on my own two feet, as well as land a 180 fakie jump off the island. I've got to keep working on my 180 turns now and learn how to control my speed up the ramp, so that I can start learning how to stall. 

Also need to buy a helmet and wheels so that I can finally attempt to drop down the vertical bowl. 

Ahhhhhh the challenges that lie ahead!

Sunday, June 30, 2013


I am struggling. God knows I am. 

Doing the right thing is always difficult, but you want to know what's REALLY difficult? Thinking the right thing too. 

I just got off the phone with Talia. Did our usual weekly praying for each other thing. 

I have been feeling weak all week (HAHHHH). 

But today takes the prize for "killing me softly". 

*cue sad song*

I feel ripped apart by my stupid emotions, my wild imagination and my silly brain. I'd like to think that at the age of four and twenty, I would have outgrown certain immature teenage tendencies. But I guess not. The struggle is back with a vengeance and my life is on the line. I see two paths before me and the urge to walk on the broad path to destruction is overwhelming.

But look at me now. 

I'm walking away... I never knew it was even humanly possible pour moi. But it is, through Christ!

Through Christ... 

What would I do with myself if I did not have Him in my life?

And with all that abstract mumbo-jumbo that I just garbled out up there, I shall finish with a quote by Jim Elliot: 

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."

Friday, June 07, 2013

Birthday Party

My birthday party took place almost a week ago; yet here I am, blogging about it like the major procrastinator I've become. 

On that day I was panicking a little because I wasn't sure if there was going to be enough food. I expected almost fifty people to show up in the evening. 

Thank God Shirley was able to help me during the day. We did SO much work just shopping and later, chopping all the ingredients. I couldn't have done it without her and my mom! (And my little bros whom I tricked into helping me haha)

Four straight hours of cooking. Phew!

I was late to my own party. People were dialing my cell but I had it on Do Not Disturb mode. I was just in such a hectic rush to get all the food, drinks, etc. ready!

Eventually, I got some time to settle down. People arrived and mingled together like I hoped they would.

Poor Shirley also finally got to sit and relax. I'm not sure if she enjoyed the food though. It's kind of hard to really enjoy food you spent so much time cooking!

My salsa was a success and I wished there were leftovers that I could keep in the fridge or something.

Ah yee surprised me with a major delivery of pink and red balloons! 

I look happy here but actually I'm feeling rather bittersweet about turning twenty-four.

Mango cake from Bengawan Solo. Just like my eighth birthday. 

Surprise surprise. Tricia (whom I know through the arcade) and Michelle (whom I know through rollerblading) were actually schoolmates! 

The world is totally small. 

My new aggressive skates arrived the day before, just in time for my birthday! And the big pink bag next to it is filled with presents from disobedient friends who disregarded my note about NOT buying me presents!

Still, most of them followed my "guidelines" and I was quite touched at how many people decided to get me stuff after all. 

I feel that after 21, you don't really need to be receiving presents. The greater gift is always the opportunity to give to others instead of receiving. That is when I am the happiest. But a few presents don't hurt that's for sure :)

I think this will be my last birthday party in a long while. I THINK.

This last one was tiring enough and I feel really weird celebrating my own birthday these days. I don't know, it just seems kind of lame celebrating your own birthday. Maybe I'll just throw random "we don't need no reason to celebrate" parties in the future. I love having people over and organising such fun events. 

So that's all for a little summary and maybe I'll have some energy left over to blog about other stuff tomorrow. 

Till then!

Monday, May 27, 2013

28th May Two Thousand Thirteen

It's been almost five hours since I turned 24 (yes I'm counting from the very hour I was born) and this is what I have to show for it so far.

Connie gave me a pair of Rilakkumas for my birthday. Oh doesn't she know me well? 


That said, my order arrived in the mail this evening. 


Say hello to my new Razor Cult Streets, size 7! 

I bought them off and was really shocked when they took less than two weeks to ship it here from California. 

So. Impressed.

I took them out for a spin already. Now the difficult part is to decide whether to keep doing aggressive skating for a while and cut the urban, or to continue doing both simultaneously. I'm worried that one will affect the other, since both skating styles are really quite different. 

Also, having run out of Korean dramas to snack on, I've taken to my bookshelf for entertainment. Here's one I haven't touched in years. 

Goodnight and goodbye my 23 year old self. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Last Few Weeks Of Being 23

My birthday is coming up next week and I can't help but feel a little sad. As the years roll by and I leave my teenage years behind, I find myself wishing that time could stand still. I know youth is a gift and it doesn't last for long. Like a whisper, it comes and goes. 

I also know that someday in the future, I am going to wake up and realise that I needed to sleep at 9pm not 3am. My bones are going to feel more brittle and my muscles- less responsive. 

Almost all my hobbies involve raising my heart rate to a racing bpm, which is why I dread the day my body fails on me. 

I look at all these young kids around me doing things I wish my fifteen year old body were still around to do. 

So it is with such a mindset that I have been living life. 


No space to breathe. 

Few weeks ago Shirley, two other friends and I went skating/cycling at East Coast Park.

We made it to Bedok Jetty.

And stayed out there moon-gazing for some time.

It was so beautiful, big and bright that night.

On a different day, MingXian drove us both into Johor Bahru, Malaysia. We had lunch at a wanton mee place.

Spent almost two hours grocery shopping in KSL City Mall.

Had dinner at the Bamboo restaurant.

Hung out at Danga Bay after dinner.

Poor MingXian had no choice but to be dragged onto this ride. Even though it was small, it was really fun!

Then we just took a million photos for the rest of the night.

Had a Friday night urban skate as usual to the recently-finished Marina Bay Sands hawker centre.

Met up with the Davidians for our monthly get-togethers.

Went ice-skating with the usual Friday urban crew on a separate Friday.


Fell while telling people to "watch out for the curve in front". 


Attended Shan Shan's graduation ceremony.

I love graduation ceremonies. I love them even more when they're held in a church with a service and worship before and everything. 

Well, I guess this was my first graduation ceremony that was held in a church with a service and worship before and everything. 

I cried during worship. The songs we sang somehow made me think about how lucky we were with Eric's situation and how God's grace just saves us... weak sinners... I thought about our mission in life and whether I am living out that mission to bring people to Christ. 


(Note to self: don't wear mascara to church services, graduation or not)

Skated around MBS (yet again) with the three amigos. 

Snacked on the night view.

Finished off with a heavy supper at 126 in Geylang.

This is only one-thirds of the food that we ordered and tried desperately to finish.

On Friday, I went prawning at Farmart with Alu.

And Annie!

Annie had quite a few firsts that morning. 

First time eating MacDonald's breakfast, first time catching a prawn and first time being at Farmart!

Nothing beats eating the prawns you caught. 

Swimming one moment, dead and cooked the next. YUMZ.

So, horrors of horrors. 

I just got back from Skateline's monthly Saturday Night Skate and it was on this fateful night that I dropped my iPhone twice and cracked its screen.

My phone looks like a rat just chewed on it now. 


The first of the birthday gifts have arrived.

A special chinese recorder-like instrument from Chuan gu & Aunty Pei Leng! 

It's too late to try it now since everybody is sleeping, but I'll probably start chirping away later this morning when I wake up for church.

Gonna be playing the piano at Sunday School later...

I don't know how to explain the rush and mix of emotions that I have right now. But one thing I know: no matter what the situation, no matter how old I am getting or how young I am feeling, my purpose in life is simply to praise God, and I have very good reasons to do so.

All my life Lord, I give it to you! I give all my energy, youth, money and time to the furthering of your kingdom. In every walk of life, I ask that you use me like a vessel to pour forth your Spirit. In every action, word or thought of mine, I pray that you reach out to those who need you most.