Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Tuesday Thoughts About Monday & Facebook Statuses

It has been SO COLD outside! 12 Celsius, rainy and windy.


I wish I had my winter jackets and boots with me at school...

Felt grey and dreary like the weather outside, so I dressed that way for yesterday's classes.

I just felt so blah all Monday, staying in my room and being all quiet and studious. But I have to be hardworking now because I may be busy every night this week.

I actually like doing Russian homework though.

My midterm exams start on Thursday so I've been mugging a little. Just a teeny weeny weedle bit. I'm not sure I'm even mugging enough at all. I always have the feeling that I could have done more or should be doing more. Yet whenever I want to do more, I'm left stumped as to what else I could do.

Then of course I'd get distracted by something non-studies related...


Studying makes me hungry every five minutes. Had to eventually get up and go make myself a spam omelette. The white strips on top are strips of mayonnaise.

Piping hot! Just the way I like it! (But the food was yet another distraction)

Speaking of liking things...

You may have noticed a lot of your girlfriends' statuses saying things like "I like it on the table" or "I like it on the dresser, the kitchen table", etc.

Well I'm about to give the mystery away (but not really since mostly only girls read my blog)...

Manda forwarded me this messsage after I tried guessing what she was talking about:

"Ok ladies here's another game, like the bra color game which was a total success and we had men wondering for days what was with the colors and it made it to the News. Well this game has to do with your handbag, where we put our handbag the moment we get home for example "I like it on the couch", "I like it on the kitchen counter", "I like it on the dresser" well u get the idea. Just put your answer as your Status with nothing more than that and cut n paste this message and forward to all your FB female friends to their inbox. The bra game made it to the news. Let's see how powerful we women really are!!! REMEMBER - DO NOT PUT YOUR ANSWER AS A REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE, SIMPLY PUT YOUR ANSWER AS YOUR STATUS, THEN FORWARD THIS MESSAGE TO YOUR FRIENDS."

Hmmm! Sounds like fun!!!

So after reading that message, I very excitedly jumped on the bandwagon and added "I like it on the bed and the floor" to my Facebook status.

But something just didn't feel right.

As I looked at my profile, I couldn't help but notice right below the new status, the old one which said "The End of the Spear is a great movie!--- Waengongi (God) had a son. They speared him but he didn't spear back, so [that] the people spearing him would one day live well."

It made me put my current status in perspective.

The Bible tells us not even to have a HINT of sexual immorality in us... And that verse came floating back to me as I ruminated over the appropriateness of "I like it on the bed and the floor".

In about five minutes, I decided that it just wasn't appropriate and decided to take the status down. But that wasn't until after I had sent out the same messsage to a number of girlfriends.


Well... I don't know.. I guess that's what happens when I get all excited and not think about my actions and how they look to God.

I know you could say that it's a matter of perspective and if you don't look at the status in that particular perspective, then it wouldn't matter.

But it does matter to me, because I know that a lot of non-Christian friends will be looking at my status and, not knowing what the game actually is, will interpret it as a dirty saying on my part. I don't want guys having flashes of lewd imaginations in their heads just because of what I left on my status!

Anyway... Just some thoughts of mine on yet another rainy Tuesday morning.

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