Sunday, March 27, 2011

Relearning Socialisation Skills

This is really bothering me right now, to the point that I have to write about this quickly before returning to my thesis!

Why is it that I am so prone to being rude around my roommates?

I feel like every single time I talk to them, something inappropriate slips out of my mouth in the name of humour but obviously no one's laughing afterwards.

Why is it just with them though?

I don't think it's because they're being overly sensitive because I do reflect back on what I say and often times they're things that I would not have liked to be said to myself. So is it an issue with boundaries?

I guess because we live with each other, I have this false sense of intimacy that they'll get my off-coloured jokes (jokes can still be off-coloured without vulgarities) or understand where I'm coming from.

Or is this a cultural thing?

I don't seem to have this problem with any of my friends in Singapore... Or at least nobody's telling me.

But one thing I'm grateful for is that I live with straightforward people who tell me to my face when they don't like the thoughtless comments I'm making to them. It really helps with my re-socialisation skills.

Ok thought process done.


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