Monday, June 29, 2009

2nd Day


This is my second night at Cape Cod and I'm feeling great. This morning, I ran straight to the ocean and jumped in after my run. Even though it was raining and the water was cold, I was still ecstatic to be able to touch saltwater and sand at last.

I also found my camera (thank goodness!) so I'll be putting up pictures soon.

This place is absolutely gorgeous, with houses dating back to the 1700s and 1800s. The house that I'm living in is decorated in the "traditional" American style, down to simple wooden furniture and grandma quilts. The bed that I'm sleeping on itself is probably near a hundred years old.

So far, Cape Cod has been getting really chilly air, with temperatures dropping to 12 Celsius at night. It feels more like it's autumn here than summer.

This afternoon, I was at the local yacht club hanging out with the three boys. At around 1500, the clouds and rain suddenly disappeared and the sun came out! I was so mad that I didn't have my swimsuit with me and that I was stuck with the baby.

But I was on the phone with Tanya and it was nice for an hour or so.

Then finally evening came and I cooked dinner for the family. The kids' grandparents are so nice! The grandpa was telling me all about the Crusades and his secret to swimming well. And they had me eat with them today--- with the dinner table overlooking a slight hill, facing the ocean with the sun setting over it!

So I'm deliriously happy now. Not to mention, I got a full tummy...


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