Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Generally Genial Friday

Alright. So although I heard the weather was nice today, I haven't been able to enjoy it at all because I've been sitting in my room reading Pride & Prejudice AGAIN for a paper I have to write for my history class.

I love the book, I really do... and that's why it actually engaged my attentions all day. But this might possibly be my fifteenth time reading it and for a class moreover!

Reading books I love for classes is upsetting because it spoils the whole fun of it for me. My entertainment is inadvertently interrupted by academic thoughts and post-it notes. But I'll admit that it certainly adds another dimension of appreciation for my future readings of the book.

I was actually debating whether I had to read it in its entirety at all before writing the paper, but because the topic is so specific- "What does Pride & Prejudice show about the changing class structure of English society during the early nineteenth century?", I feel compelled to do so. There's nothing in Sparknotes that could possibly help me in this topic so I'll actually have to use my head for this one.

Anyhow, here I am, sitting in my dorm room being a dork with four scrunchies on my head. I haven't curled my hair in a long time and got bored with my straight hair so here's a shot at curliness.

You know how people's rooms resemble the condition of their minds?

This, my dear friends, is the condition of my mind as of late.

I've got my sleeping bag and pillows on the floor because I prefer sleeping on the floor to the spring mattress. The flatness of the floor does wonders for my back and I generally sleep much better on a hard surface anyway.

There's also a pile of laundry peeking from under my bed and my guitar seems to have found its permanent storage place on my bed. It's the most convenient place to have it because I can pick it up anytime my fingers get itchy, fuss-free.

I decided to stay in my dorm through Saturday even though I don't have classes, a track meet or work this weekend because I reckon being at home in PA may be a bit too distracting. As to the question about whether I'll be able to finish my regular homework by next week's deadlines, I'm not confident of a positive answer, but I'm persevering nonetheless.

Even Korean dramas hold no lasting charm for me anymore. The plots are so boring and contrived that I could guess the next sentence in a heartbeat... I guess God really answered my prayers again by making certain distractions really unattractive to me. Now I'm free to focus on everything else.

Well then!

On another note, two incidents of weird noises outside had me feeling as if somebody were out to make Alejandra and me upset. It may be just my overactive imagination, but for some reason my ears caught a tang of pointedness that I couldn't help but feel was directed at our apartment. I hope that I am wrong about this because it is utterly unnecessary to our lives right now.

Dear God, if there is anything or anybody that is seeking to cause us harm or discomfort, I pray that You will prevent those powers from doing so. I ask that You will surround us at all times with Your love and protection. May You send angels to guard us and may we rest under the shadow of the Almighty. You are my refuge and my shelter, I run to Your Name and I am safe! Fill me with the power and love of the Holy Spirit at all times so that I may not stumble. Thank You for being with me. Amen.

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