Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Give Me Your Arms

Have you ever been around someone so cheerful, so loving and welcoming, that it seems as though they'd like to embrace the world? Everybody wants to bask in the sunshine of their smile!

I want to be that person.

Even to the ones who doubt or hate me, I want to always be standing there with open arms. I don't ever want the truly lost or hurt to feel as if I haven't time or energy for them. What unending love that Jesus has put in my heart, I want to overflow out to everyone around me!

But easier said than done...

As I type, several scenarios are coming up in my mind to remind me how far I am from being able to love others so freely.

Whenever I am hurt by people, I try to run and hide from them. Avoidance is key. Although that's slightly less terrible than what I used to d0 (hurt them back), it's still not the way to go.

Still such a long road ahead and I don't think I can do it. But leaning on the strength of God, I know I can!

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