Saturday, September 17, 2011


Just came back from a really interesting evening of fellowship. We actually gathered to watch a movie together, but by the end of the night, almost everyone had split off into their own little group or corners to do their own thing.

It made me wonder, why? Why can't we all just sit together to watch a movie? Why must we always go off to do something else than we came to do?

Anyway, after the movie ended, we had some pretty intense conversations about relationships, spiritual warfare and stuff like that. Half the time, I didn't even know what I was going to say until I was saying it... But it all kind of made sense. I don't know why but I just felt like I HAD to say something! Turns out they may have been things that certain people needed to hear tonight...

And tonight definitely felt like one of those "Wow, God, why would you ever use me?" moments.

What is the meaning of all this?

I don't know... All I can do is to pray and wait upon the Lord. Wait until He lets me know what my next move should be. And when His instructions come, I can only ask that I will have the courage to step up and out in faith. I don't ever want to act in fear of the unknown.

It's strange but I feel tired from all that talking I did.

I wonder what will come next week?

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